28 September 2009


I've been trying to cut down how much I eat, to lose some fat on my legs. And now when I eat something substantial my stomach starts hurting well bad. Not fun, but oh well.

I've not had a fantastic day, Ratface is back at work; and everytime she's near me, or speaks to me I just want to punch her lights out. Seriously, if she doesn't go, I probably will. Already looking for jobs, so.. Though i don't want to leave, I can't work with her. Her mere presence fucks me off, and if she stays as a Lead Associate I'm going to kick up a fuss and a half. I'm sorry, but if you fucking start a well bad rumour and only get a "talking" too it's not enough! A Lead should be someone who is mature, and doesn't behave like a school kid. Seriously! They honestly expect me to go around like nothing's happened? They've obviously never had any malicious spread about them at work, fucking hell.  She does fuck all anyway! All she did today was fucking talk to Nigel and just wander around. She went on F.A for about five fucking minutes, didn't do anything and when I got on there it still looked like an utter shit hole. 

What else that's pissing me off, and this is going to get me into trouble with a particular friend but right now I don't care, is that one can sign up for the fanwalk and suddenly have the advantage, about a week before it closes! I'm sorry but there application process should end at least a month before. Myself and Soubi have worked fucking hard for our votes, and then Amiee signs up and it's like "oh for fuck sake." It's not fair at all, because it puts all those people who have worked hard months on end for their votes at the disadvantage.

I will be fucking pissed off if she gets in and Soubi or myself don't. it's just not fair. just wait until next fucking year, instead of putting the hardworking lot at a disadvantage. If you ask me, you should start with 0% instead of 100%. Mega voting time for Soubi. <3

Sorry Amiee, but it's not fair at all that you suddenly decide to jump in and put at us a disadvantage. Call me a selfish bitch if you will, but I don't really care.

P.S Sorry for the fact there have been none of my 'one drawing a day' updates; everything is stressful and I don't really have time. But here! Have a picture of meee!

oh and Hasselhoff is on The One Show, Georg is blatantly tuning in. :P

1 thoughts:

Helzy said...